Friday, November 18, 2011

old and new

 I waited quite a while to have some negatives mailed to me so that I could have them scanned; so, after weeks of anticipation (on my part at least), here are a few fun pictures I took before leaving the Carolinas. 

While meeting Beefany for coffee, this guy pulls out an old school handset, plugs it into his iphone
and makes a call. I'm pretty sure only he can pull that off. 

There are a number of reasons why I don't shoot weddings very often, but couples like Ashley and Eddy make it such a joy.

I just found a few rolls of film and I wasn't sure what was on them and when I had them processed I found these photos of some of my favorite people. I believe these were taken 1 1/2 ish years ago.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

finally back

About 6 months ago, while riding on a train from New York City to Montreal, I began writing. I was trying to as honestly as possible to begin reflecting and processing through the experiences I had had in the months prior: all that I had learned through the dts, and life outside of it; what I was beginning to understand about community; what I was beginning to understand about myself. My attitude at that moment was somewhere between joyful and confused... mostly confused though, it is harder to understand things while you are still in the middle of them.

A few weeks ago I was back on that same train riding through those beautiful mountains and I began writing again. Naturally my perspective was very different, although once again I was in a very reflective mood (gotta love the mountains, they inspire). It was lovely to spend those hours alone, soaking the view and good music, thinking, praying, wondering. Maybe its because it is fall (which happens to be one of my favorite things), but I'm pretty sure that train through those mountains is magic.

Maybe someday I'll be able to make sense enough of what I've written in all of these attempts to process life to share with the some of you. Maybe not, we'll see.

But at last here I am, back in the city and full of anticipation!
I realized why I have been terrible about updating this blog, usually I use photos to tell the story of what is happening with me, but due to quite a bit of trouble with my luggage, the camera I usually use (along with some of my darkroom equipment) hasn't quite made it yet (fortunately my cameras will be here any day now, however if anyone wishes to contribute to the safely-ship-Alyce's-darkroom-equipment-to-Quebec fund please feel free to do so with the donation button at the bottom of the page). So here is a brief update on whats happening with me:

I've started taking french classes, which takes up quite a bit of time, but I'm learning and reviewing much grammar and things that I've forgotten. I started helping out again at St. James drop in center for the homeless; I'm helping more in the art room now than before, which is really fun, and I've learned quite a bit from the guys who come there. I've been doing lots of different things for ywam; doing some work on the website, preparing for the a big ywam conference on the challenge of post-Christendom we are hosting this spring. We are also in the middle of a lot of transition (which is both exciting and frustrating, to say the least), so there have been many conversations about our vision, ideas and plans for the upcoming season, and how our presence in the city and the christian community should change or adjust, if we will have another dts, if we will do something completely different (feel free to email me for specific ways you can pray about this with us).

Thankyouthankyouthankyou to all of those who have encouraged and supported me. It means more than you know.

As I was writing this the mailman came to the door with the box containing my camera, running shoes, extra hard drive, and a few other things I've been missing. woohoo!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Camryn Anne

The people I'm closest to are usually the hardest for me to take honest portraits of.. I guess there are some people of whom I know so many sides it is harder for me to do them justice in a photograph. This was the case with my baby sister Cammi; it took three attempts (bless her heart, she is patient with me) over a span of one month and two countries to finally get portraits of her that I was satisfied with. Here are a few of them.. she is a cutie. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

a little catching up..

A few b&w pictures from this summer in Charlotte. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

missions and good friends

I love hearing about what God is doing.

The other night I was able to spend some time with couple of sweet friends, catching up and enjoying the evening. It seems we are each being led in pretty different directions, but there is always something connecting us.. perhaps because we grew up together, or because in spite of heading to different corners of the world, our hearts are in similar places.

One of the girls, Sarah Kate, is leaving today(!!) for India for 6 weeks. She spent three months in India a couple of years ago with a missions group, and the place and people really took hold of her heart. So now she is going back, seeking the Lord about what her longterm involvement there should be, and helping at Asha House-a home for orphaned and at-risk children. Sarah shared with us about the children she will be reunited with and some interesting interactions she had with people there. She came alive the more she talked about India and the ministries there.

What a joy it is to hear about what is happening in missions around the world; there is always so much hope when someone is led into missions. It gives me energy and makes me excited about pursuing the things that I'm being led towards. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

a quick trip.

Last week I went with my family to Montréal for a week. This visit had been planned for some time, it had been a while since we had all been together with Brendan and Caroline without any ministry happening, and originally this trip was supposed to be when I went up to Montréal to stay, before plans changed.

It was so lovely to be there in the summertime; everything is so very alive! You can imagine in a place that stays frozen for so much of the year, the months of warm weather will be lived fully.. unlike in the south where the heat is often unbearable. Almost everyday was spent outside enjoying the city and our time together as a family and with good friends.

It was a good respite from this odd in-between preparation time. I was sad to leave.

I want to thank you all for showing me support over the last week or so! Over the past few days a number of folks have decided to support me financially on this journey of ministry. I still need 17 individuals or families to commit to supporting me with $30 a month, please pray about joining me in this. You can give with the paypal donate button at the bottom of this blog, or for other ways email me at

Downtown Montréal during the fashion and design festival

My ridiculously cool siblings

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dear Friends,

My time over the course of this summer has been both busy and unpredictable, some things have changed and I have been less consistent in communication.

And so, dear friends, it is time for me to inform you of my recent decisions. 
I came home at the beginning of June and immediately began the communication process of raising support to return to Montreal at the beginning of August to work with Youth With A Mission. However, as seems to happen sometimes, my support raising efforts have been slower and more difficult than I had anticipated. After a couple of weeks of prayer, talking with people I trust, and more worrying than I should have allowed myself, I decided to push back my return to Montreal until I raise more consistent financial support (as opposed to moving and hoping for the best).

This was a hard decision to make because my heart is really with the people of Québec and my desire is to return as soon as possible. Whats more, my commitment with YWAM is supposed to begin Sept 1, so I now risk being late and missing the beginning of the Urban Cultures course that I'll be helping with, among other things. However I feel like the Lord is asking me to trust his timing and provision and am at peace with waiting to see what he does. 

So now I am again in the humbling place of asking you for help. 

This past year has been a learning experience of the sometimes precarious finances of a missionary, and the immense blessing of friends who believe in what you are doing. What has happened many times is that I've been unexpectedly blessed by supporters with large gifts, which is wonderful. However now, as I have committed to serving more longterm with YWAM Montreal, I really need people to support me in smaller amounts on a monthly basis. 

What I am asking for at this point is for 20 more individuals or families to commit to giving $30 a month for at least the next year. 

I know for some this amount is quite easy and for others it is a burden, but please pray and consider this. If you have any questions or would like more information on the ministry of YWAM Montreal and the best ways to please do not hesitate to ask me. As always, there is a paypal donate button at the bottom of this blog.

And my favorite part, here is a small sample of the photography I have worked on this summer...

Photographs of a Montagnard family living as refugees in the States

Eddy and Ashley
ZCWA summer dance conference rehearsals

ZCWA summer dance conference nursing home outreach

Thursday, June 30, 2011

new name


Because it was time for a change.

Driving through uptown Charlotte

Monday, June 13, 2011

transition; reflections on a journey.

So much has happened in the month since I last posted anything on this blog. I left Montreal two weeks ago to come back to the Carolinas for a few months. My last few weeks of DTS in were spent processing and reflecting together and individually on our 8 month journey. It was a really good way to finish; there was just a sense, as we went through the last weeks, of the weight of all the Lord had done in each of our lives this year.

We were each required to do a presentation on our internships and sort of sum up what we've learned about ourselves through the process of this year. It was good for me to spend some time thinking through my art process (photography was part of my internship) and how I've grown. What has come to be so real for me in the past months through art making and life is that I see evidence of the Lord's work and presence everywhere. He is there with the things that are broken and hurting and he is found in beauty and joy. This brings me to a place of such wonder, joy and worship; a place where I wish to truly live and experience this life with God with abandon, allowing my photography to come out of that place.

I've also been reflecting a lot on what I've learned about the church and how my perspectives have changed. Its a bit strange being home, where, at least by comparison, Christianity is quite saturated into the culture. I realized at some point this past week, while thinking about the church in Quebec versus the church in Charlotte, that you almost cannot compare the two, they are just in completely different places.

That being said, the big question in Quebec is what should the church look like in a culture that is moving quickly into Post-Christendom, a culture which in recent history has walked away from the church, and barely recognizes the gospel? What's more, the few churches that are there, hardly reflect the culture of Quebec, rather they are like the evangelical, English-speaking missionaries' church culture of 40 years ago. It is a strange dichotomy. Its kind of like when you were a kid and you were given hand-me-down clothes from your cousins in Vermont; it was generous of them to give you their clothes, but they didn't always fit right, and the styles in Vermont are pretty different from what people wore back where you grew up. Sometimes you wanted to pick out your own clothes, but maybe their's were nicer than what you could afford, so you took them anyways. This is a bit like the church in Quebec, a reflection of the English speaking/American church model, complete with translated songs and books. What some Christian leaders and thinkers are realizing is that the American model is for the American people, and in Quebec it simply isn't working.

I have a lot more going on in my head on this subject, but thats as much as I'm going to write about it for now(stay tuned for more!). I love the Christians of Quebec, they have a profound love for Christ, and I've experienced such beautiful community among them. And now what I pray is for a missional, grassroots movement of the gospel coming from the French-speaking Quebecois heart.

My time at home has been very relaxing so far, I'm enjoying my time with family and friends. I am currently in the process of raising monthly financial support for my work up in Quebec. Please consider supporting me on this journey. You can donate through this blog using paypal or for other ways let me know and I can get you more information. Also please pray with me that God would prepare my heart and mind for my return to Montreal to live and serve among the people that I love so much. It is such a joy knowing that I will be returning soon.
Metro Parc 
Stairs at the Fraternité Monastique Des Frères De Jérusalem

Friday, May 20, 2011


I've had quite a few photos to catch up on recently.. it has been a busy few weeks for me. I only have a little over a week left in Montreal before heading home for the summer. Its a bitter sweet time. I am looking forward to seeing friends and being near family for a while, and at the same time I am going to miss Montreal and the people here so much.. especially because summers up here are glorious. Fortunately I am coming back, and knowing that makes it a little better. I've taken some time over the past few days to begin to reflect on and process all that I've learned and experienced over these 8 months. It really brings me to a place of humility and thanksgiving, I have been so blessed. Hopefully in the not-so-distant future I'll be able to blog about the fruits of all of this reflection. 
Anyways, here are some recent photos. The 1st 7 are from our trip to New York and the rest from my neighborhood project. All were taken with 35mm hp5. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

a thousand steeples

A few weeks ago we went as a group to visit a handful of churches in the city. We spent a morning with each pastor and priest of the different churches, listening to them share a little about their congregations and their thoughts on what it means to be the church. I find the diversity of the church fascinating, and equally interesting to me is which of the traditions I am drawn to based on those short meetings.

One of the mornings, we visited the pastor of a nearby church that meets in an old theater. I had been to this theater before, and during the week when it is empty the building reminds me a of The Phantom of the Opera- kind of creepy and mysterious. Anyways, after a satisfactory meeting the pastor led us up through the theater to a little door at the very top which opened to the roof, and from there we went up a ladder to the very highest part of the roof.

If you can imagine a perfect (well almost, still slightly chilly) spring day, I was facing south and just ahead and to my right was Mount Royal, the tiny mountain situated in the middle of the city. A little further to my right was St Joseph's Oratory, its giant dome perched on the backside of the mount. Further ahead just before the water I saw downtown Montreal, with its modest skyscrapers... an old law makes it illegal to build buildings higher than the cross that rests on top of Mount Royal.

What was most incredible though were all of the churches that could be seen from the roof of this theater. Hundreds of beautiful churches, all telling a rich yet broken story; a story that left off with abuse, mistrust and rejection. The pastor mentioned that when Mark Twain visited Montreal he called it "the city of a thousand steeples." Yet so many of these churches are empty shells, testifying to the culture's speedy shift towards post-christianity.

The view was breathtaking. Montreal is lovely in the spring.

A few weeks ago I decided officially that I would commit another year to living in this city. After much prayer and thought I realized that it wouldn't make sense for my time here to be finished, I am still compelled by the story of this culture and a desire to see redemption in all spheres of influence.

My dts is quickly moving towards its end and I've been in the process of reflecting on all that I've lived and learned since I've been here. In about one month I'll be heading back to Charlotte for the summer to work and raise support so that I can return. Next spring I'll be on staff with YWAM doing a number of things: continuing my photography work, continuing my involvement with St James drop in center, assisting with an urban cultures night class, and taking over some administrative tasks.

I love that I can further invest here, and I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to return.

I wish I could show you a picture of the view of Montreal from the roof of that theater, but I didn't have my camera with me that day. Lesson learned.

Friday, April 22, 2011

brooklyn bridge.

Last Sunday while in New York we walked the Brooklyn Bridge. It was a perfect day and I enjoyed photographing it. Here are a few of my favorites, these were all taken with a digital SLR.